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Be An Enchantress With The Most Amazing Natural Hair Extensions.



How to keep your hair extensions natural?
Set aside keeping natural, you need to first all all buy natural wefts. Needlessly to say, the best place to get in undoubtedly India, its probably the biggest hub for acquiring natural hair. Next question popping up in your head would be, how exactly does India become a hub for human hair donation? Well, traditionally, it is done out of religious beliefs, but, since it has become a big market now, donors know that they deserve a satisfactory amount of compensation besides pleasing their god.

Get it from the hub of Natural Hair Extensions in the world

That’s what makes India a huge center of natural hair extensions. From here, hair is exported almost in every place where extensions and wefts are in high demand. This country really gives a massive contribution to the international market of hair extensions. Now, coming to back to the original question, how to keep the hair extensions natural. There cannot be a simpler answer to this than buying a natural hair extension first of all. Then only, you can imagine keeping it natural without treating it with any chemical or heating.

Tip to keep the natural hair extension intact and healthy

Once you get hold of natural hair extension, all you need to do is to take care of them, wash them atleast once in a week without using harsh chemicals. It is also important to keep their original texture intact, the piece of hair you own could be straight or curly. You have to keep them accordingly and pay proper attention to their health, it is always recommended to take out of wardrobe once is a day for atleast 15-20 minutes. You have to be very careful when using colors or any other sort of chemical, you need to wash them properly after coloring.

Cutting or styling them to look your best as per the occasion

You need to make sure that you buy extension that are composed of natural loose hair. You also need to take care of region you’re buying the hair from, there are many countries that provide hair extensions at a larger scale. Countries such as India, China, Brazil and Peru are biggest players in this domain. If you have worn extension belonging to all these countries, you will be able to tell the subtle differences they have in texture or strength. Their varied dispositions make them suitable for different occasions and make yourself look suitable at every place.

Get it from the best natural hair extension supplier

There’s a lot you can do you by cutting by them, you can get them new shapes and still they will look natural. Remember, they are human hair and look just like yours, so you can do whatever you want with them. You can cut them accordingly to your shoulder length make them equal to the length of your own hair. They will look just like your hair and will make you look great at every occasion. You need to ensure that you buy extensions from a reliable weft provider. Vipin Hair Extension provides a huge collection of Wholesale Indian Hair and we have delivering uber quality natural hair to our clients across the globe.