indian virgin hair

Is Indian Virgin Hair Improved Than Remy

Woman all over the world of any region love to look gorgeous and beautiful. Everyone wants to have latest hair styles and look but never wish for any damage. Healthy and beautiful hair is in desires of all women. Indian virgin hair is best option for this. Females generally do prefer superior normal Indian Virgin than the processed or non-human hair that they are actually making use of previously. Indian Virgin is soft with organic movement and shine. Among all of them, curly Indian Remy hair extensions are chosen by most of the women.

Read more about Is Indian Virgin Hair Improved Than Remy

Double Drawn Hair

Difference Between Single Drawn and Double Drawn Hair

Remy Hair has two types

  • Single Drawn Hair
  • Double Drawn Hair

Single Drawn Hair

NPW64Y4U759C This hair type is the one that’s cut from one donor only. That’s why it is named as single drawn. It is actually cut from the ponytail of the donor. Since it is cut from the ponytail, the hair extension is uneven. But the consistency amongst the extensions is maintained. So this consistence gives an appearance that’s realistic. It’s impossible to make out the extension attached. Read more about Difference Between Single Drawn and Double Drawn Hair